About Myself

Michele Allegra


I am a physicist with a broad interest for neuroscience. My main research topic is the analysis and modeling of functional networks in the brain.

Upon completing a Ph.D in quantum physics at the University of Turin and the ISI Foundation in Turin, I changed research field, moving into to data analysis for neuroscience. I joined the Statistical Biophysics sector of the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, where I worked in Prof.~Alessandro Laio's group from 2015 to 2018. My research activity within Laio's group focused on advanced clustering techniques and their application to the study of dynamically changing brain networks.

I deepened my focus on neuroscience during my stay at the Timone Institute for Neuroscience in Marseilles (2018-2021), where I joined the BraiNets group led by Andrea Brovelli. In Marseilles I focused on the analysis of brain imaging data, with the goal of characterizing functional networks in the brain and their disruption in major diseases such as stroke.


My current research at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics and the Padua Neuroscience Center , University of Padua, focuses on applying statistics, information theory, and complex system modeling to obtain new insights in neuroscience research.



  • A. Nazzi, C. Favaretto, A. Vallesi, M. Corbetta, M. Allegra, Switching patterns of cortical-subcortical interaction in the human brain , bioRxiv, 2024.05. 10.593351 (2024) PDF
  • M. Allegra, M. Gilson, A. Brovelli Directed neural interactions in fMRI: a comparison between Granger Causality and Effective Connectivity , bioRxiv, 2024.02. 22.581068 (2024) PDF
  • S. Idesis, G.Patow, M. Allegra, J. Vohryzek, Y. Sanz Perl, M.V. Sanchez-Vives, M. Massimini, M. Corbetta & G. Deco Whole-brain model replicates sleep-like slow-wave dynamics generated by stroke lesions , Neurobiology of Disease, 200, 106613 (2024) PDF
  • V. Rotondi, M. Allegra, R. Kashyap, N. Barban, M. Sironi, C. Reverberi, Enduring maternal brain changes and their role in mediating motherhood’s impact on well-being, Scientific Reports 14, 1 (2024) PDF
  • S. Idesis, M. Allegra, J. Vohryzek, Y. Sanz Perl, N.V. Metcalf, J.C. Griffis, M. Corbetta, G.L. Shulman, G. Deco Generative whole-brain dynamics models from healthy subjects predict functional alterations in stroke at the level of individual patients, Brain Communications 6, 1 (2024) PDF
  • K. K. H. Manjunatha, G. Baron, D. Benozzo, E. Silvestri, M. Corbetta, A. Chiuso, A. Bertoldo, S. Suweis, M. Allegra, Controlling target brain regions by optimal selection of input nodes, PLOS Computational Biology 20 (1), e1011274 (2024) PDF
  • C. Favaretto, M. Allegra, G. Deco, N.V. Metcalf, J.C. Griffis, G. L. Shulman, A. Brovelli, M. Corbetta, Subcortical-cortical dynamical states of the human brain and their breakdown in stroke, Nature Communications, 13(1), 1-17 (2022) PDF
  • S. Idesis, M. Allegra, J. Vohryzek, Y. Sanz Perl, J. Faskowitz, O. Sporns, M. Corbetta, G. Deco A low dimensional embedding of brain dynamics enhances diagnostic accuracy and behavioral prediction in stroke , Scientific Reports 13, 1 (2023) PDF
  • E. Combrisson, M. Allegra, R. Basanisi, R. A. Ince, B. Giordano, J. Bastin, A. Brovelli, Group-level inference of information-based measures for the analyses of cognitive brain networks from neurophysiological data. NeuroImage 258 119347 (2022) PDF
  • M. Allegra, C. Favaretto, N. Metcalf, M. Corbetta, A. Brovelli, Stroke-related alterations in inter-areal communication revealed via Granger causality analysis, NeuroImage: Clinical 32, 102812 (2021) PDF
  • D. Mouillot, N. Loiseau, M. Grenié, A. C. Algar, M. Allegra, M. W. Cadotte, N. Casajus, P. Denelle, M. Guéguen, A. Maire, B. Maitner, B. McGill, M. McLean, N. Mouquet, F. Munoz, W. Thuiller, S. Villéger, C. Violle, Arnaud Auber, The dimensionality and structure of species trait spaces, Ecology Letters, accepted, in press (2021) PDF
  • M. Allegra, E. Facco, F. Denti, A. Laio, A. Mira, Data segmentation based on the local intrinsic dimension, Scientific Reports 10,16449 (2020) PDF
  • M. Allegra, S. Seyed-Allaei, N.W. Schuck, D. Amati, A. Laio, C. Reverberi, Brain network dynamics during spontaneous strategy shifts and incremental task optimization, NeuroImage, 116854 (2020) PDF
  • N. I. Ilieva, N. Galvanetto, M. Allegra, M. Brucale, and A. Laio, Automatic classification of single-molecule force spectroscopy traces from heterogeneous samples, Bioinformatics, btaa626 (2020) PDF
  • M. Allegra, S. Seyed‐Allaei, F. Pizzagalli, F. Baftizadeh, M. Maieron, Carlo Reverberi, Alessandro Laio, Daniele Amati, fMRI single trial discovery of spatio‐temporal brain activity patterns, Human brain mapping 38 (3), 1421-1437 (2017) PDF
  • P. Giorda, M. Allegra, Coherence in quantum estimation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (2), 025302 (2017) PDF
  • P. Giorda, M. Allegra, Two-qubit correlations revisited: average mutual information, relevant (and useful) observables and an application to remote state preparation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (29), 295302 (2017) PDF
  • M. Allegra, P. Giorda, S. Lloyd, Global coherence of quantum evolutions based on decoherent histories: theory and application to photosynthetic quantum energy transport, Physical Review A 93 (4), 042312 (2016) PDF
  • X. Wang, M. Allegra, K. Jacobs, S. Lloyd, C. Lupo, M. Mohseni, Quantum brachistochrone curves as geodesics: Obtaining accurate minimum-time protocols for the control of quantum systems, Physical Review Letters 114 (17), 170501(2015) PDF
  • C.D. Aiello, M. Allegra, B. Hemmerling, X. Wan, P. Cappellaro, Algebraic synthesis of time-optimal unitaries in SU (2) with alternating controls, Quantum Information Processing 14 (9), 3233-3256 (2015) PDF
  • M. Allegra, Gain and loss of information by decoherence, PhD thesis, University of Turin (2014) PDF
  • M. Allegra, P. Giorda, M.G.A. Paris, Quantum discord for Gaussian states with non-Gaussian measurements, Physical Review A 86 (5), 052328 (2012) PDF
  • M. Allegra, P. Giorda, Topology and energy transport in networks of interacting photosynthetic complexes, Physical Review E 85 (5), 051917 (2012) PDF
  • M. Allegra, P. Giorda, A. Montorsi, Quantum discord and classical correlations in the bond-charge Hubbard model: Quantum phase transitions, off-diagonal long-range order, and violation of the monogamy property, Physical Review B 84 (24), 245133 (2011) PDF
  • M. Allegra, P. Giorda, M.G.A. Paris, Role of initial entanglement and non-Gaussianity in the decoherence of photon-number entangled states evolving in a noisy channel, Physical Review Letters 105 (10), 100503 (2010) PDF


Coherence Density Peak Clustering


Heterogeneous Intrinsic Dimension Estimation


Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy Clustering


covariance-based Granger causality fMRi for



  • 25/01/2018: invited talk at the Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseilles (France) PDF ODP
  • 04/17/2018: invited talk at the Institute for Computational Science, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano (Switzerland) PDF ODP
  • 06/08/2018 invited talk at the CECAM Workshop on Machine Learning at Interfaces, CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland) PDF ODP
  • 06/22/2018: invited talk at the 49. Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Palermo (Italy) PDF ODP
  • 09/04/2019: invited talk at the Theoretical Neuroscience group meeting, Institut de Neurosciences de Systèmes, Marseilles (France) PDF
  • 05/09/2019: invited talk at the Young Researcher’s Workshop on Machine Learning for Materials Science 2019, Helsinki (Finland) PDF ODP Video
  • 06/11/2019: invited talk at the CINaM, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseilles (France) ODP
  • 16/05/2020: invited talk at Department of Physics, Università di Padova (Italy) PDF ODP
  • 16/05/2020: invited talk at Department of Physics, Università di Padova (Italy) PDF ODP
  • 02/02/2022: invited virtual talk at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran (Iran) PDF ODP
  • 09/05/2022: invited talk at the Data Science Sector, SISSA, Trieste (Italy) PDF ODP
  • 06/06/2022: invited talk at the Neuroscience and Statistical Physics Workshop, SISSA, Trieste (Italy) PDF ODP



Email: micheleallegra85@gmail.com, michele.allegra@unipd.it
Phone: +39 3516258520, +33 767423968
Skype: michele.allegra